WE ARE AT PRAIRIE!!!!!! Whoooo-hooooo! Jesus is SO good. Such a great morning as we joined the Battle Ground campus, Hazel Dell campus, and our Deaf Church together for the first time! I just sense that God is going to pour out His Spirit in a new and powerful way in our church and I come with great anticipation during the next season for North Creek!
Everything was SUPER smooth from start to finish all morning. Our Leadership and Volunteer team was absolutely outstanding at planning, setting up, problem solving and making a great morning for everybody. Thank you to all of our volunteers who are bending over backwards all month to re-learn our systems, give it their all, and do it with joyful attitudes. Everybody was simply awesome on Sunday morning, which made the little challenges completely easy to conquer. I am humbled to be a part of such an amazing group that is focused on the mission of Jesus.
Worship in the main auditorium was off the charts. I just wept in the presence of God as we corporately lifted up his name! I’ve been waiting with great expectation to be able to worship with our church as a whole and I soaked in that moment for as long as I could.
Kid’s classes were SLICK! I was so impressed as to how well run, secure, and fun each environment was. We learned ALOT when we were at Prairie for Easter service, so we strategized solutions for those issues and NAILED it! It was such a joy to have our kids learning about Jesus and making some great friends in the process.
Mark spoke on the Holy Spirit and the book of Acts. Would you take some time this week to read Acts and ask God to help you understand the role of the Holy Spirit in your life? He is a complex, but inspiring piece of the trinity!
Thank you to Alvina who brought our set up team some muffins. It was a great treat! If you’d ever like to drop off some treats early for our workers, just let me know at stacy@coffeechurch.com.
We are looking for some new volunteers in these particular areas: Security team, Hosts/Ushers, Tiny Town, and our Prayer team. If you are willing to serve on one of these teams, we would love to have you! Fill out the volunteer form at www.coffeechurch.com.
We are also needing some childcare workers for the youth ministry. Our small group leaders bring their amazing kids during youth service and they need to be taken care of while they invest in our teenagers. If you can do that ministry, email Rachael@coffeechurch.com. Thank you so much for seeing needs and meeting them!
We are gearing up for our own small group season. We will have a shorter session this time to allow our churches an easy opportunity to meet some new people who may have attended the other campus or who are new. They will only be six weeks long, which is a simpler commitment for most of us to make! More info coming this weekend!
Our Hazel Dell building is set to close next week. We are so excited for the new church moving in! That building served us well when we needed it and we feel like the church moving in will thrive there. God orchestrated this all so perfectly and it has been incredible to watch and be a part of! He is so faithful. We anticipate the same story for our Battle Ground facility as well.
Whew! It’s been a busy month and we very much look forward to getting into a new normal. That being said, I am grateful for the hand of God who moves all of the mountains in front of us. Our job is simply to walk forth in faith and boldness.
Love you, church!
Here are some pictures of Sunday. We all missed most of the pictures in the foyer, so we’ll have to try again next week!