Packed the weekend with fun things!
Friday night I had a bunch of ladies over for a game night. So much fun to just hang out, play games, eat lots of yummy food with women I love and appreciate! If you want on that invite list, sign up on our small groups link at under Rebecca’s group. You’ll get an email once a month about an upcoming activity that you can attend if you are available!
Sunday went well! I jumped over to Battle Ground for service and always love being on that campus. I hung out with Jessica and taught 14 Tiny Town preschoolers. It was a full class, but they did SO well. God so evidently works in the hearts of children and it is a joy to watch!
We had our Annual Business Meeting on Sunday. True to our nature, we don’t do the typical business meeting, but rather use it as an opportunity to hear from some of our staff about how their ministry is succeeding. We do some of the “normal” stuff of talking about statistics and money, but our bottom line is always the same: how are we leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus? That’s the question we strive to answer each year at our annual meeting.
Yesterday we had one of our staff member preaching in Ridgefield to fill in, we had one at a church in Hoquiam watching her daughter speak, we had one training sound techs in Oregon, and we had our own two campuses running as well. We were spread out all over the place!!!
I’m memorizing James 5…it was hard to start, but I’m making great progress. Everything in life worth doing takes work, so don’t get discouraged! Keep trying!
I’m enjoying our small group and getting to know some new people in our lives. It is always a blessing to open our home and dive into friendships. It’s also a blessing to eat cake and banana bread!
One of the main focuses of our church is to spread out the work amongst the many! Do you know that we have over 150 volunteers just in the hearing church? That’s over half of our people who serve once a month, or in the youth group, or in help during the week. What’s crazy about that is that we still don’t have enough help! We have multiple people serving twice to cover the gaps. Wouldn’t it be awesome to get all of the bases covered? If you want to begin to volunteer, you can sign up at
Here’s my challenge for you this week: Do the RIGHT thing. Even if it’s hard. That’s what we are challenging ourselves to do in our small group. It’s quite the challenge, but if you consistently do the right thing, you really do open yourself up to a life of blessing and peace. WORTH IT!