Why Don’t You
The Cat in the Hat has some profound wisdom for life, if you’ll listen closely enough! Chattering away on the TV behind me, he had a conversation with his slightly-less-than-excited crowd. It went as follows:
“Why don’t I build a nest?”
“Because you don’t know how!”
“Well, I don’t know how now, but I will when I’m done!”
That is precisely the philosophy of our ministry. We’ll be the first to tell you that we have no idea how to do what we’ve been asked to do. (Moses and I will have long conversations in Heaven about being clueless to the task set before us. I can’t wait!) But what has always been true is that we are confident that God will set our course through our confusion. He will give us the tools, knowledge, and fortitude to make it happen if we are willing to listen to His promptings and follow them without question. We can literally accomplish the impossible if we rely on a God of possibilities.
You may be facing a challenge before you that seems big, but the good news is that when it’s over, you’ll have conquered that fear and accomplished something great. Don’t sweat it. Maybe you are just asking all of the wrong questions and the Cat in the Hat had it right. Maybe your best question is, “Why don’t I?” Yep, why don’t you.